5 reasons to join your committee

Thinking of nominating next AGM but unsure what’s in it for you?


Have a voice

It’s easy to complain about how your strata residence is being run. Joining the committee gives you insight into why things are that way.

Maybe there’s other priorities, maybe there’s a lack of funds, maybe the committee needs more volunteers like you to help. Either way, getting on board gives you some insight, opportunity to be heard, and opportunity to make a difference.

Add value to your property

In most states, being an owner is a pre-requisite to being on the committee. Together you’ve got the opportunity to make your strata complex collectively more appealing and valuable for residents now and in the future.

Nobody likes unexpected special levies, but play the long game and you can add value over time with well planned budgets, incremental improvements and proactive maintenance.

Bring your unique skills

Committee members are from all walks of life, sharing a common interest. Whilst there’s no special qualifications, you’re likely to have life and/or career experience that is valuable on the committee - preparing a budget, reviewing proposals, gardening, building, implementing new technology, the list goes on.

Connect with your community

With committee members often owner occupiers, you’ll make connections with your most engaged neighbours. Together you’ll get to know more members of your strata community and respond to their feedback.

Gain insights into strata

First time committee members tell us they learn a lot about how strata works whilst on the committee. In hindsight, they wish they had that knowledge when buying into strata. Contributing to the committee places you in a better position to assess the quality of a prospective strata property you’ll buy or rent in future.


Hello Strata helps strata committees communicate more effectively


Take action on creating a better strata building


Managing committee politics