5 steps to better committee meetings

Better meetings lead to better strata outcomes.


Always have a written agenda

Have the secretary or nominated representative prepare and distribute an agenda in advance via email. Ideally, each agenda item should have a noted discussion time. If time on the agenda permits, the committee should have the opportunity to propose additional items. If any existing agenda items need clarification, it’s best this is clarified prior to the meeting.

Be armed with knowledge

In reviewing the agenda in advance, are you convinced the committee have all the information they need to discuss the motion? Take the opportunity to clarify with your fellow committee members, determining what information you need and whether it can be sourced prior to the meeting.

Stick to the agenda and timings

This is likely to be the biggest reason meetings go off on a tangent. All attendees need to be ready to call out an off topic discussion out and respectfully suggest it’s added to ‘other business’ at the end of the meeting if the agenda allows.

Structure the discussion

Strata living by nature is ‘close to home’ and will bring out passionate debates. Address the most contentious issues early in the agenda. If necessary, follow the motion with a structured opportunity for each attendee to explain the position, uninterrupted within a set time frame.

Ensuring your meeting allows everyone’s voices to be heard helps build an amicable, constructive committee.

Produce clear minutes

During the meeting, the secretary or delegate should take notes on points raised, decisions voted upon and actions. Each action should be assigned an individual owner and time frame. With these notes gathered during the meeting, the minutes for the meeting should be quickly and easily prepared for distribution.

The meeting minutes are a written record that demonstrates the quality of the strata committee operations.


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